Meeco is proud to announce we have received the MyData Operator Award again for 2022. Since the inception of the Award program in 2020, Meeco has successfully met the criteria for 2020, 2021 and now 2022.
The MyData Operator Award focuses on “how personal data intermediaries – known as MyData Operators manage two key issues; transparently communicating their practices and business model, and the extent to which users are the primary beneficiaries of their personal data”.
For Meeco this is particularly important for 2022 and the years ahead, given the alignment between the MyData Operator status and the introduction of the role of “Intermediary” in the European Union’s Data Governance Act (DGA).
Data intermediaries
The role of the intermediary has been introduced to provide secure infrastructure between data holders and data recipients. Importantly, Intermediaries are required to work in the best interests of the data subject (individual) and not collect or repurpose data for their own use. This requirement is well aligned with Meeco’s value proposition, as we do not read, mine or monetise personal data.
Meeco provides the infrastructure for trusted personal data ecosystems by unlocking the power of permissioned personal data. Our aim is to help our partners (enterprise, government, SMEs and start-ups) implement the tools to become compliant personal data operators. We provide enterprise tools that data custodians deploy to enable their customers to access, control and securely exchange personal data. We provide APIs, extensive documentation and a sandbox to support the development of privacy centric and compliant software and services.
“Operators provide easy, legally compliant connectivity to an ecosystem of data sources and data using services as well as a relevant base of potential users. Operators facilitate access to high quality, up-to-date data in real time, offer tools and mechanisms for legal compliance such as logging and audit trails of permissions, and offer outsourced tools for complying with data portability requirements”
- Understanding MyData Operators whitepaper
MyData Operators are assessed against nine key criteria:

Meeco’s personal data and identity platform provides Technology Readiness Level 9 solutions across all the functional elements of the MyData Operator Model. We support both cloud and decentralised infrastructure with four core modular products that can stand alone or be integrated as a platform solution.
“Operators provide transparency, understandability, and convenience to individuals when they share data or receive services using data about them. Operators provide an aggregated view to an individuals’ personal data, allow them to control who can use the data and for which purpose, and transparently expose past data use and sharing.”
- Understanding MyData Operators whitepaper
Trustworthy personal data businesses
For MyData Operator 2022, 33 companies were awarded across 15 countries across Europe, United Kingdom, Oceania and the United States. A total of 41 companies and organisations have been awarded to date.We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the successful recipients.

If you'd like to learn more about how Meeco can assist your company in becoming a MyData Operator and providing human-centric data services, please get in touch, we look forward to hearing from you!